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Log in and start using all the Gold account features free of charge for 30 days

Credit card insertion is not required. At the end of the free trial you will switch to the Free account.

Configure your “.play“ profile.
Choose your favorite Avatar!

Find out which Achievements you have unlocked and which Items you have earned!

+ 3000

Users use HUI daily

+ 2000

Business opportunities open daily

+ 300

Events added per day

+ 40000

Messages exchanged per day


Enter your Profile Photo, your Information and your Assets to facilitate networking among thousands of users in HUI!

Discover the new HUI cryptocurrency!

Buy with an advantageous HUI Coin exchange that you can use within the platform to purchase goods or services or to open Challenge between HUI users!

Start organizing your business with HUI now

try it now for free

30 days free trial without credit card